The idea of musicians scaling up the vitality of their original songs often turns out great.
Ayisi is a genius in this regard, as his attempts with live band performances always oozes nostalgia, and match up to his distinctive musical style.
Once again he has served a classic live performance of “Can I Live”, arguably one of the best songs off his Unbroken album.
In this live performance, Ayisi generously leans into consciousness as the simplicity of the lyrics against an inspiring production on Cue Live Sessions.
In the words of Henry Fort, “whether you think you can or you cannot, either ways you’re right. It is dependent on your self-belief”.
‘Can I Live’ as Ayisi queries is not just an enjoyable masterpiece but also sets the tone for an Introspective review for one to make a decision on how to live. Either way, one is right with the end result.
For Ayisi, to be a god in the midst of men defines his level of self-belief and tendency to live freely.
This breathtaking performance will definitely inject some happiness into your day.
Written by: Gideo Kweitsu